MSFS - Increase emissive bloom in Blender Asobo GLTF exporter?

MSFS - Increase emissive bloom in Blender Asobo GLTF exporter?

MSFS - Increase emissive bloom in Blender Asobo GLTF exporter?

Hello everyone, today I switched to asobo GLTF exporter from Blender2MSFS exporter. I am looking for the setting which increase the bloom effect in emmiting object, eg-ramp lights. In blender2MSFS exporter you could override the emissive value to more than 1 to achieve the bloom effect as shown

MSFS - Increase emissive bloom in Blender Asobo GLTF exporter?

glTF 2.0 — Blender Manual

MSFS - Increase emissive bloom in Blender Asobo GLTF exporter?

MSFS SDK Tutorial - Asobo's Blender exporter is available NOW

MSFS - Increase emissive bloom in Blender Asobo GLTF exporter?

MSFS - Increase emissive bloom in Blender Asobo GLTF exporter

MSFS - Increase emissive bloom in Blender Asobo GLTF exporter?

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MSFS - Increase emissive bloom in Blender Asobo GLTF exporter?

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MSFS - Increase emissive bloom in Blender Asobo GLTF exporter?

Creating Scenery for MSFS: Blender 3.3.5 and Asobo Exporter 1.3.0

MSFS - Increase emissive bloom in Blender Asobo GLTF exporter?


MSFS - Increase emissive bloom in Blender Asobo GLTF exporter?

MSFS - MSFS Asobo Official Blender exporter, Page 8

MSFS - Increase emissive bloom in Blender Asobo GLTF exporter?

Creating Scenery for MSFS: Importing an Asobo Model into Blender

MSFS - Increase emissive bloom in Blender Asobo GLTF exporter?

glTF 2.0 — Blender Manual