Study finds that sound plus electrical body stimulation has

Study finds that sound plus electrical body stimulation has

Study finds that sound plus electrical body stimulation has

A University of Minnesota Twin Cities-led team has found that electrical stimulation of the body combined with sound activates the brain’s somatosensory or “tactile” cortex, increasing the potential for using the technique to treat chronic pain and other sensory disorders. The researchers tested the non-invasive technique on animals and are planning clinical trials on humans in the near future.

Study finds that sound plus electrical body stimulation has

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Study finds that sound plus electrical body stimulation has

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Study finds that sound plus electrical body stimulation has

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Study finds that sound plus electrical body stimulation has

Sound and electrical stimulation may help relieve chronic pain

Study finds that sound plus electrical body stimulation has

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Study finds that sound plus electrical body stimulation has

Study finds that sound plus electrical body stimulation has

Study finds that sound plus electrical body stimulation has

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Study finds that sound plus electrical body stimulation has

How sound and electrical stimulation could help treat chronic pain